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UConn Launches Directions for Dental Students (DDS) Mentoring Program

UConn’s Directions for Dental Students (DDS) Mentoring Program got off to a fun-filled start on February 15, 2007 despite the inclement weather in the region.  The newly appointed Dean, Dr. Monty MacNeil, in welcoming the 28 guests, thanked them for attending, and spoke of the importance of mentoring for students.

Student representatives included SNDA/HSDA Co-Presidents and member, Tremane Bartley, Raquel Capote and Afton Ellis, along with 2010 student class representative Ronald Birmingham DSI, student government representative Jason Hernandez, DSI and pre-dental students Jasmine McCaulley (Pipeline summer student), Chris Paulin and Jason Coleman.  These students attended an advisory meeting prior to the kick-off and provided input on the mentoring program and the event program. 

Seven of the 13 dentists attending the event signed-up to become mentors.  Three others who could not attend have also agreed to participate in the mentoring program.  “We are well on our way to achieving our goal of enrolling at least 15 new dentists in our mentoring program,” stated Dr. Hodge, Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Connections Supplemental grant.

Dr.  Sarita Arteaga with pre-dental student Chris Paulin at the kick-off dinner for “Directions for Dental Students (DDS) Mentoring Program” at UConn School of Dental Medicine.
Dr.  Sarita Arteaga with pre-dental student Chris Paulin at the kick-off dinner for “Directions for Dental Students (DDS) Mentoring Program” at UConn School of Dental Medicine.

A PowerPoint presentation on mentoring was given by Dr. Sarita Arteaga, the faculty liaison to the DDS Mentoring Program.  Following her presentation there was discussion regarding the benefits of mentoring in general, past mentoring experiences, and how to match mentees with mentors.

A short survey was completed by all attendees. It sought information regarding what mentoring is, who can be a mentor, the mentoring relationship and previous mentoring/mentee experiences.  Gifts, donated by the local merchants and restaurants, were presented to participants in a game format, whereby questions were asked that tested the students and dentists recall of information provided during the meeting.  More than $5,000 in gifts (restaurant certificates & coupons, spa certificates, dental merchandise, grocery coupons, etc.) has been donated to support the program.
Dr. Arteaga stated, “We think the give-aways are a nice way of not only saying ‘thank you’ to the participants, but it adds a bit of fun and excitement as well as getting everyone to really listen.  One dentist was able to recall the names and something about five of the students!” 

Chris Paulin, a third year undergraduate student at UConn attending the meeting to confirm his career choice in dentistry, stated, “I am so glad to have been invited; I really need a mentor and I think Dr. Wilson (local dentist) would be a fun mentor.”


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